Oat (Avena)

Oat Genus Details

Oat is also known as groats or oatmeal. The blades of this grass family-member are rolled in the bud and are flat at maturity. There are about 25 varieties of this genus cultivated. They commonly grow to about 4 feet. Oat is found over vast geographic areas. Flowers are wind pollinated from late summer to early autumn. Cultivated oats are self-pollinated, so they shed little pollen.
Oat Allergy Info

Although the grass family in general is considered significant allergenically, most members of this genus are not typically considered to be problematic. However, the weedy species, A. barbata and A. fatua, are considered major causes of pollinosis in southern California.
Oat Pollen Description

Grains are spheroidal to ovoidal, sometimes elliptical. The exine is thin and the surface is granular to finely reticuloid. Poaceae apertures are 1-porate, with the pores usually circular to ovoidal.
Grains are 22-122 micrometers in diameter.

This plant belongs to the grass family. All pollen grains in this family are similar to the Poaceae (grass) grain pictured here. Herb. MIN

This plant belongs to the grass family. All pollen grains in this family are similar to the Poaceae (grass) grains pictured here. Herb. MIN
Species in This Genus

Allergenicity Legend:
Mild Allergen |
Moderate Allergen |
Severe Allergen |
Allergy Test Available

Oat (Avena) is a genus of the POACEAE family.
This genus includes the following allergenic species:
This genus includes the following allergenic species: